Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Assumption Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assumption Paper - Essay Example (Whitney, 2002) Antitheist perspective explains that a supreme, self aware, and benevolent being called God does not exist at all. Polytheism and atheism can also be included under this term. It is not very difficult to tolerantly deal with evil and even to submit to it if we develop an antitheist view. This is because that at least in the Christian world view, God is a self existent, loving, and benevolent being (Brown and Phillips, 1996); but antitheism denies a God altogether. This doesn’t mean that they cannot have their own deity. And when this deity is presented before the masses in a terrorist and unethical manner, evil is born. So, existence of evil in this world might be nothing unexpected in the view of an antitheist. A pantheist may not deny the existence of a God (or one and only one God), but according to him/her, God might not be benevolent and loving. God is all penetrating, pervasive, and understand, and evil exists because of His impervious being. (Brown and Phillips, 1996) Such a tremendously apathy generating representation may explain evil as another creation of God. Hence, staunch pantheists may hold that evil, although is a problem, cannot be avoided and should not be avoided. Rather, humans should be prepared to fight and ward off the evil. Agnostic perspective is very much reason based. It is based on the difference between belief and knowledge. Hence, an agnostic person must be inquisitive and may not take anything for granted. Brown and Phillips (1996) believe that agnostic view is a kind of middle path. Therefore, a strict agnostic must find out what is evil and what is its relationship with God in the case God exists. In the view of an event like the collapse of Twin Towers, agnostic perspective might handle the issue by a comparative analysis of both the theist and antitheist paths. Since according to the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Is Clausewitz's unfinished work On War still worth reading and Essay

Is Clausewitz's unfinished work On War still worth reading and studying in the 21st century - Essay Example Military generals and war diplomats of modern period continue to depend on Clausewitz for better war strategies. This paper takes a brief look at his famous book, On War, translated by J.J.Graham. Clausewitz, could not complete his book during his lifetime. Whatever is left behind by him in the form of On War has been sufficient for the future war scholars and military officers to understand war as a subject of study. The fact that the book was written before the modern war- weapons were invented, and that the book is interesting even in this nuclear age itself speak volumes about the greatness of the work. The book is not altogether without criticism or negative qualities, but its acceptance as a source for the war specialists is stronger than its negative aspects. It is being taught in the military schools and many debates and critical analyses based on the book have continued to take place. On War is divided into eight sections, with each section having several chapters. A wide ranging topics related to war are defined and discussed by the writer with apt examples from history. It is very difficult to give here the exact content of the book in the condensed form due to the enormity of the various aspects of war dealt by Clausewitz. At the same time, any discussion of a topic like war demands that all its aspects are taken into consideration. Hence, the attempt here is to embrace as many facts given by the author as possible. Book I, chapter 1, gives clear a definition of war. According to Clausewitz, â€Å" war is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale†(Clausewitz, 1873). He says that it is an act of violence. This is a clear confession. He stresses that in war there is no sprit of benevolence or any kind of moderation . After rejecting such absurd views, he goes on to highlight that, even in a civilized society, passionate hatred of each other is the basic instinct for waging war. It is not an