Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Environmental Pollution And Methods Of Management

Environmental Pollution and Methods of Management As recent as it may seem, pollution was actually an apparent issue even for the ancient civilizations since the fire they used to cook would release particles which would pollute the surrounding atmosphere. However, this kind of pollution that occurred in the previous civilizations did not pose much of a threat to the environment because it was very minimal. As time progressed the technological advancements that were made in the 19th and 20th centuries helped bring about an increased production and use of new substances such as chemicals and fossil fuels which enhanced people s standards of living. Several substances such as oil, insecticides and coal are all very proficient at providing their primary benefits like energy generation, but they each contribute to the damage and destruction being done the environment in some way. The result of utilizing these substances is now causing the natural world to experience far more extensive an d seismic pollution than anything that has ever before. Overusing these resources in order to satisfy the rising demand for them is inevitable since they are somehow involved or used to complete almost every job that people do in today s world, and this is ultimately making the pollution problem much worse. Therefore, the most practical solution that people have come up with is the safe and proper control of how these resources are obtained and used which will help minimize the pollution theyShow MoreRelatedMaking Better Decisions on Environmental Issues997 Words   |  4 Pages Intro to GIS and environmental management GIS (Geographic Information System) is a new geographical research technology since the 1960s, which is a powerful software that allows a virtually unlimited amount of information to be linked to a geographic location. 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