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Statistics Regression Analysis and Individual Assignment...

IBA134 Business Statistics OUA Study Period 2 (SP2), 2013 Computer Assignment (Worth 15% of the overall assessment for the unit) Due date: 5pm (QLD time) on Sunday 11, August 2013 Instructions: †¢ All numerical calculations and graphs/plots should be done using EXCEL. †¢ A hard copy of your completed assignment must be submitted electronically with the Griffith OUA Cover Sheet (available in the Assessment section of the unit website) attached as the 1st page of your submission. See instruction on the IBA134 Business Statistics unit website under â€Å"Assessment† and â€Å"Online submission of assignments using SafeAssign† on the link†¦show more content†¦(b) Use five of the above summary measures to represent the summary information in a box plot for each variable. (c) Compute a numerical summary measure to measure the strength of the relationship between the two variables. Interpret this value. QUESTION 4 The researcher wishes to estimate the population means for the two variables under consideration using the sample data. (a) Compute the best point estimates for the mean of the two variables and their standard errors. (b) Construct a 95% interval estimate for the population mean of each of the two variables. (c) Explain what would happen to the two interval estimates in 4(b) above if we use a level confidence 90% instead of 95%. Justify your answer by re-calculating the 90% interval estimates for the population mean of the two variables. QUESTION 5 The researcher wishes to test hypotheses about the population means for the two variables under consideration using the sample data. (a) The researcher believes that the average television time per week is more than 25 hours. How do you test his believe? Is there any evidence for his believe? Use a 5% level of significance. (b) The researcher believes that the average debt is less than $150,000. How do you test hisShow MoreRelatedcomputer assignment970 Words   |  4 PagesBusiness Statistics OUA Study Period 4 (SP4), 2013 Computer Assignment (Worth 15% of the overall assessment for the unit) Due date: 5pm (QLD time) on Sunday 26, January 2014 (Week 9) Instructions: All numerical calculations and graphs/plots should be done using EXCEL. A hard copy of your completed assignment must be submitted electronically with the Griffith OUA Cover Sheet (available in the Assessment section of the unit website) attached as the 1st page of your submission. See instructionRead More2121 unit information1576 Words   |  7 PagesETF2121/ETF5912 Data Analysis in Business Unit Information – Semester 1 2014 Coordinator and Lecturer - Weeks 7-12: Associate Professor Ann Maharaj Office: H5.86 Phone: (990)32236 Email: Lecturer - Weeks 1-6: Mr Bruce Stephens Office: H5.64 Phone: (990)32062 Email: Unit material: No prescribed textbook Unit Book: available on the Moodle site. 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